About Ariel

Personal Story

My interest in mediation was ignited during my own personal divorce experience. My children were still very young at the time, and I was feeling acutely the pain and anxiety of our family breakdown.

The litigation process worsened all this. Iā€™m not ashamed to admit that I found court to be frustrating and nerve-racking, despite my legal training.

In short, I get what YOU are going through.

Mediation offered us a far healthier and more cost-effective option. Though we did not settle during our first attempt, we returned to mediation and ultimately succeeded. I came to realize that only a fraction of cases truly require court intervention.

Even those who have already attempted mediation often succeed with the right mediator, in the right time.

Mediation Approach

A law license and mediation certification do not automatically transform a person into a skilled and effective mediator.

My approach is pragmatic, empathetic and based on law practice experience. I ensure a respectful process for all participants, in which you will be heard and have your needs properly considered.

I have the professional AND personal experience and skills to successfully guide you through your conflict.

Even if your case is heated or complex, I can help you reach a fair and sustainable resolution without the high stresses, costs and uncertainties of the litigation process.

Training & Education

Law degree, Osgoode Hall Law School 2015.

Family Lawyer since 2018.

Family mediator certification (Family Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario), after comprehensive coursework and supervised internships.