Why Use a Family Mediator?

When it comes to your and your family’s future after a separation or divorce, there will almost certainly be challenges. Fear, stress and anger often feel overwhelming, causing a person to feel stuck or make poor decisions just when they most need a calm, level head.

You don’t have to allow these obstacles to derail your efforts to take ownership of your future in this critical time.

What is Family Mediation?

A mediator is a neutral third-party professional who provides the expert guidance and structure through which parties can resolve their conflict. The mediator helps parties to communicate effectively, build positive momentum, identify relevant issues and consider various possibilities.

Through this process, I can help you and your family to ease into the next stage of your lives with stability and grace.

Please note that when retained as your mediator, I am not the lawyer for either side. It is highly recommended that you seek independent legal advice from a lawyer in order that you come prepared with an understanding of your legal rights and obligations. 

Separation Agreements


Child and Spousal Support

Property Division